Ärzte Exklusiv - Mehr als nur schlechtes Benehmen
Wir freuen uns sehr, mitteilen zu dürfen, dass der Senat der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz unserem Kanzleipartner Norbert Wess die Honorarprofessur...
Over the last years, the United Arab Emirates have grown to a leading place for business, cross border as well as local investments and international...
Das neue Anwaltranking von TREND ist erschienen.
Ärzte Exklusiv – Löschung von negativen Bewertungen
Betrug zum Nachteil der finanziellen Interessen der Europäischen Union. Die Umsetzung der PIF-RL durch § 168f StGB und § 40 FinStrG.
The intensive meeting on compliance in the supply chain was held on 01.06.2023.
On May 11, 2023, the MANZ Verlag Compliance Day took place in Vienna.
Die aktuelle Ausgabe der Zeitung für Wirtschafts- und Finanzstrafrecht (Heft 2/2023) ist soeben erschienen!
Mit dem "Handbuch Corporate Compliance" ist das umfassendste Werk zu diesem Thema erschienen.
Das aktuelle Heft 21 des Sammelwerkes Compliance aktuell ist neu erschienen.
Das aktuelle Heft 20 des Sammelwerkes Compliance aktuell ist neu erschienen.
Gleich vier JuristInnen von wkk law Rechtsanwälte haben als AutorInnen an der 2. Auflage des HB Strafverteidigung (herausgegeben von unserem...
Die aktuelle Ausgabe der Zeitung für Wirtschafts- und Finanzstrafrecht (Heft 03/2022) erscheint in Kürze!
Unsere Juristin Dr Julia Schröder (derzeit als Rechtsanwältin karenziert) beschäftigt sich im aktuellen Heft 05/2022 des ecolex mit der geplanten...
Auch bei der 2. Auflage des Handbuches Wirtschaftsstrafrecht haben wieder unsere JuristInnen von wkk law Rechtsanwälte maßgeblich mitgewirkt.
Das aktuelle Heft 19 des Sammelwerkes Compliance aktuell ist neu erschienen.
Die Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Wess Kux Kispert & Eckert Rechtsanwälte GmbH freut sich über den Eintritt von Vitus Eckert als neuen Partner der Sozietät.
Am 7./8. April 2022 findet die Strafrechtliche Tagung für den wissenschaftlichen Mittelbau an der JKU Linz statt.
Die international renommierte Rankingagentur Chambers and Partners (London) hat den Europe Guide 2022 veröffentlicht.
Die aktuelle Ausgabe der Zeitung für Rechtspolitik (Heft 4/2021) ist erschienen!
Das aktuelle Heft 18 des Sammelwerkes Compliance aktuell ist neu erschienen.
Die aktuelle Ausgabe der Zeitung für Wirtschafts- und Finanzstrafrecht (Heft 01/2022) ist soeben erschienen!
RA Mag Lukas Bittighofer LL.M., einer unserer Rechtsanwälte bei wkklaw, hat für das Praxishandbuch „Ärztliche Tätigkeit und Recht“ einen Beitrag...
Unser Kanzleipartner RA Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Eckert ist gemeinsam mit Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Schopper Autor eines neuen Kommentars zum...
Norbert Wess vertritt Sophie Karmasin.
wkk law Partner Georg Eckert hält am 18.10.2021 seine Antrittsvorlesung an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien.
Die 2. Auflage zum Casebook Strafprozessrecht ist erschienen.
Die aktuelle Ausgabe der Zeitung für Wirtschafts- und Finanzstrafrecht (Heft 05/2021) ist soeben erschienen!
Das aktuelle Heft 17 des Sammelwerkes Compliance aktuell ist neu erschienen.
Wkk-law partner Nikolaus Adensamer is co-editor and author of the Handbook on Shareholder Disputes published by Verlag Österreich. Other authors are...
Die aktuelle Ausgabe der Zeitung für Wirtschafts- und Finanzstrafrecht (Heft 04/2021) ist soeben erschienen!
Attorney Dr Norbert Wess, together with Univ.-Prof Dr Alois Birklbauer, held the seminar "Current Issues in Criminal Procedure Law“ at the JKU Linz on...
Criminalisation of conduct in the run-up to a criminal offence with special consideration of terrorist financing under § 278d StGB.
Whistleblowing systems are recognised as an essential component of an effective compliance management system. The importance of whistleblowing systems...
The current edition of the Journal for Commercial and Financial Criminal Law is newly published.
The Legal 500 - EMEA 2021 ranking has been published!
The internationally renowned ranking agency Chambers and Partners (London) has just published its Europe Guide 2021.
Maximilian Breisch joined the team of Prof. Georg Eckert and Dr. Nikolaus Adensamer in 2019 as an expert in corporate and capital markets law.
Dos & Don'ts in der Strafverteidigung
Since 2018, Mag. Sebastian Wöss, who was previously also working as an assistant at the Institute for Civil Law at the Faculty of Law of the...
Supporting the Disabled Sports Association is #CriticalToUs
wkk law partner Felix Ruhmannseder is editor of this guide.
Since 2017, Dr. Julia Schröder, who was previously also working as teaching and research assistant at the Institute for Austrian and European Economic...
A publication for use in daily court practice that is both precise and comprehensively prepared: The editors Alois Birklbauer, René Haumer and Norbert...
wkk law's partner Georg Eckert chairs the discussion starting at 6:30 pm
Since the winter semester of 20/21, wkk law's partner Georg Eckert holds a professorship for corporate law at the Vienna University of Economics and...
National, European and global developments are constantly taking place in the legal environment. This is particularly true for corporate criminal law,...
As of September 1, the renowned expert in criminal law, Dr. Felix Ruhmannseder, joins wkk law as a partner.
The 24th Annual Forum on Law and Taxation will be held in Rust/Lake Neusiedl.
The July Edition of the Journal for Commercial and Financial Criminal Law is newly published.
The Journal for Commercial and Financial Criminal Law, of which Dr Norbert Wess is co-editor, was newly published.
The increasing importance of criminal liability of companies
Dr Norbert Wess acted as legal representative of LASK last year and therefore decided not to participate in proceedings.
In general, a vacation must be agreed upon between the employer and the employee.
This book examines the general conditions for the imposition of cartel fines (in terms of the General Part) in European and Austrian cartel law.
The Covid-19 pandemic and its far-reaching economic consequences have also resulted in numerous changes in insolvency law.
The Legal 500 - EMEA 2020 ranking has been published!
With the Austrian COVID-19 Act on Corporate Law (Federal Law Gazette I No. 16/2020, amended by Federal Law Gazette I No. 24/2020 - COVID-19-GesG), the...
The internationally renowned ranking agency Chambers and Partners (London) has just published its Europe Guide 2020.
On April 9, a new ordinance of the Federal Minister of Justice (Federal Law Gazette II No. 138/2020) entered into force, which - by introducing the...
On April 3, 2020 the National Council passed the 3rd Austrian COVID-19 Act (Federal Law Gazette I 23/2020), the 4th Austrian COVID-19 Act (Federal Law...
Chief executives and managing directors are responsible for compliance with a wide range of legal obligations and regulations. The liability risks to...
As part of the measures to contain Covid-19, the Austrian legislator has taken precautions to ensure the proper functioning of the Austrian criminal...
The Journal for Commercial and Financial Criminal Law, of which lawyer Dr Norbert Wess is co-editor, was published today.
How you can conclude legally valid contracts despite corona measures
Currently, the question of whether employers can suspend payments of wages and salaries due to closed business has not been conclusively clarified due...
According to Section 32 Austrian Epidemics Act 1950, a company is generally entitled to a compensation for incurred loss of earnings and wage costs in...
Tenants who have to stop their business activities in whole or in part due to COVID-19 restrictions are generally entitled to a rent reduction.
Confidential relationship with tax advisor / attorney at risk?
Breach of trust (Art 153 Austrian Criminal Code): General purpose tool of judicial authorities?
On February 28, 2020 the German Center for Commercial Criminal Law ("Deutsches Zentrum für Wirtschaftsstrafrecht") will host the 5th conference on...
Appointment of experts in commercial and financial criminal proceedings. The 5th ZWF-GET-TOGETHER addresses an important practical issue
Breach of trust in the light of current jurisdiction - criminal law risks for companies and public authorities
On December 5 and 6, 2019 the 24th Medical Law Days (Medizinrechts-Tage) took place in Linz; this year's theme was "Good medicine needs good law".
From November 14-16, 2019 the "26th Insolvenz-Forum Grundlsee" took place in Styria under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr. Andreas Konecny.
Up-to-date - Austrian Stock Exchange Act Amendment 2019 and Austrian Capital Market Act 2019 included !
Internal investigations to clarify a violation of the law within a company are becoming more and more important in Austria. For the purpose of the...
At the 4th ZWF-GET-TOGETHER, the participants discussed the questionability of the penalty frame in the light of the principle of equality.
On the occasion of the new publication "Praktikerkommentar Wirtschaftsstrafrecht" published in summer 2018, editors and renowned legal experts...
He is now authorized to plan, introduce and maintain compliance management systems in an organisation
The publication deals with sanctions against legal entities due to violations of antitrust law and criminal law in connection with price agreements in...
Prevention of money laundering and effects on the lawyer-client relationship of mutual trust were discussed on the occasion of the third...
First Austrian manual for defence lawyers - Laudator Brandstetter: "Simply fantastic!"
Anyone who is able to conclude contracts about his assets during his lifetime wants to retain this freedom even after his death. In practice,...